
I have some problems with repozo. I have setup repozo for backup of our
Data.fs about two years ago and it worked without problem until 4 weeks
ago. Since than it behaves very strange.

I am running repozo with den follwing parameters.

/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/www/Zope/bin/repozo.py -v -z -B -f 
/data/zope/zeo/var/Data.fs -r /data/share/backup/data.fs/

and I get the following error.

looking for files between last full backup and 2006-01-23-03-43-40...
files needed to recover state as of 2006-01-23-03-43-40:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/www/Zope/bin/repozo.py", line 501, in ?
  File "/usr/local/www/Zope/bin/repozo.py", line 494, in main
  File "/usr/local/www/Zope/bin/repozo.py", line 431, in do_backup
    reposz, reposum = concat(repofiles)
  File "/usr/local/www/Zope/bin/repozo.py", line 248, in concat
    bytesread += dofile(func, ifp)
  File "/usr/local/www/Zope/bin/repozo.py", line 192, in dofile
    data = fp.read(todo)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/gzip.py", line 224, in read
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/gzip.py", line 289, in _read
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.3/gzip.py", line 308, in _read_eof
    raise IOError, "CRC check failed"
IOError: CRC check failed

when I run it without compression the backup works but it doesn't do

reprozo is run by cron ever 2 hours and the Data.fs is packed only once a
day. Repozo reports

looking for files b/w last full backup and 2006-01-10-11-47-49...
files needed to recover state as of 2006-01-10-11-47-49:
repository state: 3283188277 bytes, md5: 1ea3199aa1f6be3dafccc5d63ed7f4a1
current state   : 3337668930 bytes, md5: 57a964c569e06f6125eda24c74aab079
backed up state : 3283188277 bytes, md5: 17f9b380d5b1ad33deb99942a20545f5
file changed, possibly because of a pack (full backup)
writing full backup: 3339094688 bytes to 

everytime it's started.

I have suspected an inconsitency in the Data.fs but i've done a fsrecover
twice since the problems started and it came out without errors. The
Zope systems and the daily pack are working without Problems.

Our Data.fs is 2.6G at the moment (fresh packed)


Gerhard Schmidt    | Nick : estartu      IRC : Estartu  |
Fischbachweg 3     |                                    |  PGP Public Key
86856 Hiltenfingen | EMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |  on request
Germany            |                                    |

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