On 2/7/06, J Cameron Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joshua Gilbert wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > I'd like to make a simple DMS, users upload their
> > PDFs/docs/ps/whatever and then they can search within the documents.
> I believe TextIndexNG will index contents of complex file types.

OK, that's great. Where do I find documentation to tell me how to set
up the site?

> > I need to be able to automate the submission of documents as I'm part
> > of a large research lab, we've accumulated a lot of papers over the
> > years.
> What exactly does "automate the submission of documents" mean?

I mean that I have a great deal of papers. I can't go through web
forms to add all of these documents. I would like to be able to submit
them through an automated process, I can't go through web forms by
hand to add them all.

I'm trying to convince my lab that this is a useful product. If I ask
them to submit their papers one at a time I'll lose the argument and
we won't use Zope.

> > Other than that I'd like a nice, simple authentication scheme. That's
> > about it. Dead simple.
> Then stick with how it's already set up. Plone provides a nice UI for
> user management.

Fair enough.

>                 --jcc
> --
> "Building Websites with Plone"
> http://plonebook.packtpub.com/
> Enfold Systems, LLC
> http://www.enfoldsystems.com
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