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Dario Lopez-Kästen wrote:


> Let me be the first to admit my total lack of knowledge of kernel task
> schedulers, but generally speaking, unless the scheduler makes sure that
> a threaded python process never ever gets distributed over two
> processors simultaniously,  then the GIL *will* be an issue.

The hypothesis is that the scheduler "notices" that threads in a single
Python process are always blocking on a single kernel resource (the
semaphore / mutex which is the GIL), and hence migrates them all to the
same CPU (over time).

I could imagine that this is like the "hand-rolled assembly vs.
compiler-generated code" case:  older kernels (like the one your old app
was dpeloyed atop, perhaps?) didn't have such smarts, but newsr ones do.

> In any event, I'd love to be proved wrong about the need for taskset
> (especially if someone comes up with measurable data to that effect)
> because it means that my sysadmins can simplify their setup for managing
> Zope (making Zope even more acceptable :-).

WHile at ZC, one of the other engineers and I did some testing on SMB
boxes, and found that "one appserver per CPU" gave us near linear
scaling of the application, without any explicit affinity set.  I don't
have the numbers (we were using stock Dell 1U dual CPU boxes, I think),
but the win seemed clear enough that we quit invesigating taskset.

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 202-558-7113          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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