Jason C. Leach wrote:

I'm wondering how I can do this little trick (sp_info is a globaly devide var, it's a dictionary obj):

            <option tal:repeat="group groups/existing/high"
tal:attributes="onmouseover string:doTooltip(event, '${sp_info/${group}/common_name}')" onmouseout="hideTip()">

So based on my the value of 'group' from my repeat, I want to use the value to look up another value in a different dictionary. It works if I do this: (event, '${sp_info/whatever/common_name}') but does not like me using the embedded ${group}.

The ${var} syntax is only for inserting a value in a string expression. Path expressions only take known names. If you want to look up a value based on a variable, you must use Python. Look at the first half of this:



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