Vishal Kashyap wrote:
Hi all ,

Just wanted to know what this error is all about

2006-04-10T22:06:22 INFO ZODB.Conflict database conflict error (oid
0x0278, class BTrees._OOBTree.OOBTree, serial this txn started with
0x0364ae9fbe711988 2006-04-10 16:31:44.634796, serial currently
committed 0x0364aea45c2e1b55 2006-04-10 16:36:21.604712) at
/mail/Tickets (4 conflicts, of which 0 were unresolved, since startup
at Mon Apr 10 18:47:43 2006)

It would help others to help you, if you gave info on what your platform / setup is, and when this error occured.

My understanding of database conflict errors is they occur when two processes fight with each other talking to the ZODB. One or more older versions of Zope had bugs that caused such errors, but that was a while back.

We recently had such database conflict errors when starting Zope. When I posted on the newsgroup, it was suggested I put a "sleep 10" between the 2 zope processes starting, so that one was fully up and running before the other one tried to start. I did that and have had no problems since. Maybe that would work for you.

In my ignorance I'm not 100% certain that such warnings always actually matter - it may be a problem that Zope complains about but can recover from. More knowledgable people might comment on that. Nevertheless, a good idea to get rid of warnings for its own sake.

Hope that helps,

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