I am pleased to announce the release of TextIndexNG V 3.1.9.TextIndexNG V 3 is a complete new implementation based on Zope 3 technologies and can be used both in Zope 2.8 or in Zope 3.
What's new? - multi-field indexing and query support - multi-lingual support - configurable converters (through ZCML) - new indexing API (allowing you to hook your custom content types with TextIndexNG through Zope 3 adapters). Changes in V 3.1.9: - added explicit check for the existence of the extension module so TextIndexNG3 will now fail at startup time with an exception instead of failing when creating new index instances - added UI support for valid word separators - added IObjectWrapper interface to core indexer engine to provide generic support for objects wrapped into some kind of wrapper. The purpose of the interface is to attach IObjectWrapper to wrapper classes using five:implements without having the need to modify exisiting code. - added support to deal better with indexing CMF content where the content object is wrapped inside a CMFCore.CatalogTool.IndexableObjectWrapper instance. TextIndexNG3/adapters/configure.zcml contains some commented configurations to attach a marker interface to IndexableObjectWrapper and in an addition an adapter to extract the wrapped object without having the need to add some CMF knowledge to the core indexing engine - added IExtensibleIndexableObjectWrapper for better integration with Plone (whose CatalogTool wraps Plone objects as ExtensibleIndexableObjectWrapper instances) - optimized internal datastructures (existing indexes should be cleared and reindexed) Requirements: - Zope 2.8+, Zope 3.2+ Download: http://sf.net/projects/textindexng Project page: http://opensource.zopyx.biz/OpenSource/TextIndexNG3For installation and documentation issues refer to doc/README.txt from the archive. It's basically the same procedure as with former versions except you *need* to recompile the extension modules. Windows binaries of the required extension modules are currently not available (any volunteers?).
TextIndexNG V 3 is published under the ZPL. Andreas Jung ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Andreas Jung ZOPYX Ltd. & Co KG - - E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: www.zopyx.com, www.zopyx.de - -----------------------------------------------------------------------
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