On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 04:08:34PM +0300, Vitaly Lobachevsky wrote:
> Probably the problem is in my Data.fs. I can't pack it. I've got the error:
> Error Type: FileStorageError
> Error Value: The database has already been packed to a later time or no 
> changes have been made since the last pack
> I've tried $ZOPE_HOME/lib/python/ZODB/fsrecover.py but without success.
> Any suggestions, please?

Sounds like your system clock was set to 2006-07-06 
at some time in the past.  AFAIK, ZODB can't cope with
time going backwards. Worse, somebody may have packed while
the time was set incorrectly.

Unfortunately I have no suggestions short of exporting
everything and importing it into a fresh instance.
How painful this will be is directly proportional to
the size of your database :-\


Paul Winkler
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