What if you have 1,000,000 requests/sec?
What if between the INSERT and the LAST_INSERT_ID() another INSERT is made?

I use PostgreSQL and with postgres you can always ask the sequence what the next id is going to be. It goes something like this::

next_id = context.GetNextId()[0].next_id
context.SQLInsertUser(uid=next_id, name='Peter')

where 'GetNextId' is a ZSQL method that looks like this::

SELECT NEXTVAL('users_uid_seq') AS next_id

Cliff Ford wrote:
This is how it works for MySQL:

insert into org (org_name, org_phone) values ('x', 'y')
<dtml-var sql_delimiter>
select LAST_INSERT_ID() as org_id

You have to have the select LAST_INSERT_ID call in the same query as the insert, and you have to have the sql_delimiter.

I assume you know that the x and y values should be <sql-var ...> types.


Benjamin Menking wrote:
New to python/Zope, old-timer on PHP....

I'm using MySQL and a ZSQL method to insert data into the database.  ex:

   insert into org (org_name, org_phone) values ('x', 'y')

What I'm trying to figure out is that org_id (also part of the org table, but not specified in the sql statement) is an auto_increment primary key field and in PHP I can use mysql_insert_id() to find out what org_id was set to after the mysql_query() call.

Is there a way to retrieve that value with ZSQL method, or must I use some other mechanism?



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