Form variables are stored in REQUEST. In a python script you gain access to REQUEST by:
you can then access the form variables by:
fname = REQUEST['first_name']
you can check for the presence of a form variable by
if REQUEST.has_key('first_name'):
if REQUEST.get('first_name', None):
----- Original Message -----
From: Muk Yan
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 2:57 PM
Subject: [Zope] Python Scripts and HTML Forms

Dear Trusted Zope Zealots,

This subject was a bit too broad to do a google search on, because I've tried and the lack of relevancy was astounding.

I've probably been committing a cardinal sin in DTML, but I couldn't figure any other work around.

I have an HTML form in a DTML Document say:

<form action="" method="post"

Name:<input type="text" name:"first_name">


I want to use "first_name" in a python script, but what I've been doing is setting it in the process_this_form, which is a DTML method:

DTML Method, process_this_form:
<dtml-call "REQUEST.SESSION.set ('firstName', first_name)>
<dtml-call "this_is_a_python_script()">

and in the Python Script, this_is_a_python_script
I use REQUEST.SESSION.get('firstName')

What my question is, is there anyway to directly access "first_name" from the form in the python script without having to have to call the <dtml-call " REQUEST.SESSION.set('firstName', first_name)> and then REQUEST.SESSION.get('firstName') in the python script.  Sort of a sophomoric question, but any help would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.


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