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Ben wrote:
> I am receiving error messages when attempting to start ZEO in daemon
> mode.
> I have setup ZEO according to:
> http://plone.org/documentation/tutorial/robust-installation
> I have tried the Plone setup list, but their suggestions (changing the
> permissions on zeo/log/ and related files) did not lead to a
> resolution.
> I receive an error message and a progressive series of dots when I
> attempt to start ZEO:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] zope]$ zeo/bin/zeoctl start
> . Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "/opt/zope/zope/lib/python/zdaemon/zdrun.py", line 719, in ?
>   main()
> File "/opt/zope/zope/lib/python/zdaemon/zdrun.py", line 716, in mainxxxxx
> File "/opt/zope/zope/lib/python/zdaemon/zdrun.py", line 256, in run
>   self.opensocket()
> File "/opt/zope/zope/lib/python/zdaemon/zdrun.py", line 278, in opensocket
>   sock.bind(tempname)
> File "<string>", line 1, in bind
> socket.error: (13, 'Permission denied')
> . . . . . . . . [dots continue to appear at a regular interval]
> If I start ZEO using:
> zeo/bin/runzeo
> then all is fine, the Zope clients connect, etc. but it logs to the
> console and I want to run in daemon mode.
> I am using:
> Plone 2.5
> Zope 2.9.4
> Python 2.4.3
> CentOS 3.7

The permission needed here is for the "effective" user to write to the
"ZEO control socket", which is normally in the 'etc' direcdtory of your
instance home, and named 'zeo.zdsock'.  Try changing 'zeo.conf' to put
that file in your 'var' directory, where you *must* be able to create
files (otherwise you wouldn't be able to use 'runzeo').

- --
Tres Seaver          +1 202-558-7113          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Palladion Software   "Excellence by Design"    http://palladion.com
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