--On 6. September 2006 10:31:51 +0200 Jens Vagelpohl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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On 6 Sep 2006, at 02:04, Fred Drake wrote:

On 9/5/06, Carlos de la Guardia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I frequently blog about Zope, and recently posted a list of 10
reasons why I
think Zope 3 is kind of invisible to the Python community (see my
blog at
http://blog.delaguardia.com.mx ). One of the things that I talk
about in
that post is that the Zope community tends to interact more
through its
mailing lists than its blogs, as opposed to other so-called modern
frameworks, like Django and Turbogears.

Interesting.  I've always considered blogs to be fairly invisible
since I have to go look for them, whereas for mailing lists I can sign
up for things I'm interested in.

Exactly. This is a matter of taste, nothing else. Mailing list email
comes to me. Blogs I have to seek out and go there. Sorry, too much
effort for much hot air of dubious quality ;)

That's why we have blog aggregation like on planet.plone.org or planet.zope.org. There is of course also noise but you have noise also in mailinglists.


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