----- Original Message ----
From: Chris Withers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> <p
>>   tal:on-error="string: mailScript() isn't defined! This should be in your *s* dir >> with the default installation."
>>   tal:replace="structure python:here.mailScript()" />

> This is extremely bad programming style.
> Look at customising standard_error_message if you want to make error
> messages prettier...

Yeah, the above is for me :) I have customized the standard error msg for the visitor.

> You may also want to look at MailingLogger
> (http://www.simplistix.co.uk/software/zope/mailinglogger103) so that you
> get emailed salient log entries...

Nice! I like that! But I'm confused on one thing. In your instructions, you say:

import Products.MailingLogger

I assume that's at the instance level, where the zope.conf file is? That's a command, correct? Not something entered into the zope.conf file. I issued that command at the prompt and got this:

# import Products.MailingLogger
import: unable to open X server `'.

Is there something I should edit first? Like zope.conf? Your instructions seem to indicate first issue the command, then edit zope.conf. And I'm confused as to if I should be editing zope.conf or something else, because my zope.conf file doesn't look like, for example, an httpd.conf file, where one would have syntax similar to what you propose. Here's my zope.conf:

# Zope zctl settings
ZOPE_HOME = pjoin(HERE, '../..', 'ZopeSoftwareHome')
ZOPE_OPTS = '-p - -D'
ZOPE_PORT = 7080
ZOPE_LOG = pjoin(HERE, 'var', 'debug.log')
ZOPE_ENV['PRODUCTS_PATH'] = ("%(SOFTWARE_PRODUCTS)s:" + pjoin(HERE, '..', 'OtherProducts') + ":%(INSTANCE_PRODUCTS)s")

# ZEO Environment settings
#ZEO['ZEO_SERVER_NAME'] = 'www.example.com'
# ZEO zctl settings
ZEO_WAIT_BAILOUT = 160 # Don't try for more than num seconds

Also, can you tell me how to enter a variable into the eventlog "to" email address so that I could change it in a file on the server whenever I wanted to? I've been wondering how to do that.


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