[profound subject: sorry the body may be less interesting]

This is so basic, but any help would be appreciated. It's also a Plone site, but the problem is about basic tal behaviour so I hope it's appropriate:

I have an attribute, 'listed' (a property of 'member') which I want the user to be able to set or unset with a radio choice rather than by checking or unchecking a checkbox, as provided in default join_form and personalize_form.

In personalize_form, I define listed like this:
listed python:request.get('listed', member.getProperty('listed',''))

The radio inputs return name="listed" and value 0 or 1

This works OK, but in the radio input code,

tal:attributes="checked python:test(listed,'checked',None);

*always* returns 'checked'

and the second of these debug lines is *always* displayed, whether listed is 0 or 1:

<p>debug: value of listed, after define with getProperty=<span tal:content="listed">value</span></p>

<p tal:condition="listed | nothing">debug: this para should print if listed is true, ie equals 1</p>

Appendix C of the Zope Book says tal:condition tests for existence and truth, and "missing variables, None, zero, empty strings, and empty sequences false; all other values are true".

So what basic fact/knowledge am I missing?


Mark Barratt
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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