> 2. I can create a custom skin on each zope (in reality plone) instance
> right or is each zope instance is just a mirror of the other?
Nope. It is something different. In general ZEO is about sharing ZODB
(Zope Object Database) between few Zope instances. There is no mirroring
but just one ZODB. ZODB is a place where all objects you have created
through ZMI (Zope Management Interface) are hold.

When you have standard setup (one Zope instance)
it has it's own ZODB (you may see this in <instance>/var/data.fs.

With ZEO you have ZEOServer that holds ZODB (data.fs file) and multiple
ZEO Clients that are connecting to it. ZEOClient is a normal
ZopeInstance that is not using it's own data.fs (ZODB) but shared one.

Because of this, every object created/changed/removed on one ZEOClient
is removed from shared ZODB therefore all ZEOClient see this.

There is more things that can be done. You may for example define (in
zope.conf) mount points for folders that are individual for each zope etc.

Maciej Wisniowski
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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