On Friday 02 March 2007 17:06, Tres Seaver wrote:
> Gaute Amundsen wrote:
> > On Friday 02 March 2007 11:20, Andreas Jung wrote:
> >> --On 2. März 2007 11:10:57 +0100 Gaute Amundsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> I have tried many varieties, but I can't remember ever getting it to
> >>> work...
> >>>
> > foo = restrictedTraverse('/foo/bar/index.html/macros/mymacro')
> > return foo()
> >
> > But of course foo is a list, and I can't see a way I can use any of the
> > contents..
> You can't "use it", only inline it into a calling template.  E.g.:
>   ##Script (Python) "random_macro"
>   from random import choice # may need module security assertion
>   macros = context.some_template.macros
>   macro1 = macros['one']
>   macro2 = macros['two']
>   macro3 = macros['three']
>   return choice((macro1, macro2, macro3))
> The template would just do:
>    <div metal:use-macro="context/random_macro" />
> Tres.

I see.. 
So it is the  use-macro statement that takes the datastructure, and turns it 
into a tempate/html.

I my case I think I will rather try to use a wrapper approach.
In script: return container.ajax_tpl(mcr=my_macro_from_big_tpl)
In ajax_tpl: <div metal:use-macro="options/mcr" />

But it's good to know the other option allso.


On Friday 02 March 2007 22:36, David H wrote:
> With Zope 2 I use python scripts to fill my "content" area (2-3 column
> css) with macros like so:
> # python script:
>    return container.Budget.BudgetMaint.macros['budgetMaint']
> It works
> All best,
> David H

In other words, a script can return a macro, but is has  to be into a 
use-macro tag. 



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