Hi Everyone,

We were experience problems with our zeo client setup on redhat rhel4. The client would just quit responding. No memory or cpu increase was associated with this. The client would remain hung until it was restarted.

We looked on the client using Netstat and the status was ESTABLISHED with the zeo server. On the zeo server the netstat said LISTENING.

When running the deadlockdebugger, one thread was in asnycore wait. The others were normal actions such as folder listing or folder contents.

We implemented a couple of lines of code on line 641 of connection.py in the ZEO/zrpc packages

We added and else clause to call self.close() if delay is over one second. We found that one second wasn't quite enough and moved it to 5 seconds.

Now we find out that this drastically improved our performance. The servers are now < 1 second per page load. Before, they could be 5 seconds or more, if they loaded at all. Also, our servers used to crash several times a day and they now haven't crashed in almost a week.

I just wanted to put this out there and see if anyone has any comments at all. I need to get a more permenant solution than this, but it is what we have for now.

Thank you,
Paul Williams

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