Zope 3.3

I want to add a viewlet to the rotterdam skin. I don't want to create my own skin. is there an accepted way of doing this? I'm surprised that the left sidebar in rotterdam doesn't appear to have a viewlet manager. I have been unable to find any declarations in zcml (grepped for viewletManager through the entire zope source, didn't see anything relevant).

It looks like rotterdam makes do with macros, instead of using viewlets. Is there a reason for this? Seems like the left sidebar is perfect for a manager, with a viewlet for navigation and another for the add menu.

I am writing a syndication (web feeds: Atom, RSS, etc) package for zope and want to plug my viewlet for accessing feed links directly into rotterdam. Perhaps this isn't the way to do it, but it seems to me that a package like mine that provides general functionality shouldn't define its own skin, but should be usable in other skins. Am I wrong?



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