Some one could help me to construct a correct __bobo_traverse__ or wrapper
for my necesities.

The clues:

I have this model of __bobo_traverse__:

def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, nombre):
       obj = getattr(self, nombre, None)
       if obj is None:
+ [nombre])
           if hasattr(self, 'index.html'): return getattr(self, 'index.html
               resultado = self.__call__()
               if type(resultado) == type(unicode()): return
               elif type(resultado) == type(str()): return
               elif type(resultado) == type(dict()): return
               else: return resultado
       return obj

With this Wrapper classes:

class WrapperStr(str):
   """ """
   __roles__ = None

   def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, nombre):
       obj = getattr(self, nombre, None)
       if obj is None: return self
       else: return obj

class WrapperUnicode(unicode):
   """ """
   __roles__ = None

   def __init__(self, cadena):
       self.cadena = cadena

   def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, nombre):
       obj = getattr(self, nombre, None)
       if obj is None: return self
       else: return obj.__of__(self)

   def __call__(self):
       return self.cadena

   def __str__(self):
       return str(self.cadena.decode('latin-1'))

class WrapperDict(dict):
   """ """
   __roles__ = None

   def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, nombre):
       obj = getattr(self, nombre, None)
       if obj is None: return self
       else: return obj

With this version I have the security problem I'm asking this days. The last
opinion was the Wrapper classes are the problem but you could see the
wrappers I can do with the information I have

But if I change the __bobo_traverse__ to this:

def __bobo_traverse__(self, REQUEST, nombre):
       obj = getattr(self, nombre, None)
       if obj is None:
+ [nombre])
           if hasattr(self, 'index.html'): return getattr(self, 'index.html
               obj = getattr(self, 'lanzador', None)
       return obj

Where lanzador is a page template with this code:

<tal:b tal:replace='structure here' />

Then it works perfect!! (we can conclude, then, that Martijn has good clues
about the problem, thanks again!)

Here my petition of help:

Could someone explain or point me to how the wrappers need to be? I don't
like so much the idea that all my work depends on a page template with 1
line of code if I could implement it at product code

Thank you!

Mis Cosas
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