--On 25. März 2007 10:26:42 +0000 Roberto Scelzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Someone suggested us to use a FS dump product, another one instead
pointed us to zope FS products, but, is there any
article/howto on how to make group development/debugging of middle/large
sized zope apps a nice and confortable experience?

If you have the freedom to choose your Zope version:

- start with Zope 2.10 + CMF 2.1

- put your templates etc. into the filesystem using portal_skins

- use Zope 3 technology together with CMF: Zope 3 schema + formlib
  for creating content-types, forms etc...

- avoid Plone if you really don't need it. Don't start with Plone
 *just because it looks nice* and if you really need only a small subset
 of the Plone functionality...


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