Hi all!

I've been trying to set up a couple of zope instances with daemontools.
For some reason they just won't start up.

 2313 ?        Ss     0:00 /bin/sh /command/svscanboot
 2320 ?        S      0:00  \_ svscan /service
2334 ?        S      0:07  |   \_ supervise zopeInstanz13log
13195 ?        Z      0:00  |   |   \_ [supervise] <defunct>
 2336 ?        S      0:07  |   \_ supervise log
13190 ?        Z      0:00  |   |   \_ [supervise] <defunct>
 2338 ?        S      0:07  |   \_ supervise zopeInstanz16log
13192 ?        Z      0:00  |   |   \_ [supervise] <defunct>
2363 ?        S      0:07  |   \_ supervise zopeInstanz13
13191 ?        Z      0:00  |   |   \_ [supervise] <defunct>
 2366 ?        S      0:07  |   \_ supervise zopeInstanz16
13193 ?        Z      0:00  |   |   \_ [supervise] <defunct>
 2367 ?        S      0:07  |   \_ supervise log
13196 ?        Z      0:00  |       \_ [supervise] <defunct>
 2321 ?        S      0:05  \_ readproctitle service errors: ...l:
unable to start zopeInstanz13/run: exec format error?supervise: fatal:
unable to start zopeInstanz16log/run: exec format error?supervise:
fatal: unable to start zopeInstanz16/run: exec format error?supervise:
fatal: unable to start log/run: exec format error?supervise: fatal:
unable to start zope Instanz13log/run: exec format error?supervise:
fatal: unable to start log/run: exec format error?

How can I find out what's wrong?


Sebastian Rahlf
sebastian.rahlf [#] galileo-press.de

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