-----Original Message-----
From: Dieter Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: zope@zope.org
Sent: Sun, 22 Jul 2007 1:51 pm
Subject: Re: [Zope] AttributeError: Can't Pin It Down!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote at 2007-7-21 14:27 -0400:
> > ...
> >Error Type: AttributeError
> >Error Value: masterMarketItems
> >
> >
> >This error shows on a page but not in the error log!!
> Maybe, it comes from your error page (i.e. "standard_error_message").
> Then, you should see the entry in the error log that caused
> the error in the first place.

Nothing in the error log about that :(

> > ...
> >Module Products.PageTemplates.TALES, line 221, in evaluate
> >URL: /example.com/eng/test
> >Line 7, Column 0
> >Expression: <PythonExpr request.contact_us_form.header()>
> > ...
> >Module Products.PageTemplates.ZRPythonExpr, line 47, in __call__
> >__traceback_info__: request.contact_us_form.header() 
> >
> >Module Python expression "request.contact_us_form.header()", line 1, in 
> <expression> 
> >
> >Module ZPublisher.HTTPRequest, line 1223, in __getattr__ 
> You did it almost right. You forgot to include the
> "Error Type" and "Error Value" information.

Exception Type


Exception Value


> But, from what you have included, I guess that "request" does
> not have a "contact_us_form" attribute.
Can you explain? I have a Formulator form called "contact_us_form" and it's in 
the same folder, so there's no problem with inheritance.

> I am unfamiliar with "Formulator" -- but it seems strange to me
> that you expect "request" to contain complete forms.
Well, frankly, I built this site a long time ago before PTs were in vogue and 
it worked just fine using DTML. I changed it to PT for you to throw and capture 
this error ;)

Since this is happening with all applications and they worked just fine before 
I took the *zexp snapshots and loaded them into the new server, I was thinking 
this must come from something below the application level; namely, from a built 
of Zope itself. I thought maybe I built this from a FBSD port, but no, it's Z 
2.7.8 and I built it from source thus:

tar zxvf Zope-2.7.8-final.tgz 

cd Zope-2.7.8-final 

./configure --with-python=/usr/local/bin/python2.3 --prefix=/usr/local/zope/278 
&& make && make install 


Directory: /usr/local/zope/instance1 

cd /usr/local/zope/instance1 

vi etc/zope.conf 

effective-user tony 

chown tony var/ 

chown tony etc/ 

chown tony etc/* 

chown tony log/ 

chown tony log/*

This is fine, though, right? Also, I went to zope to find a copy of this 
tarball and couldn't! Every other tarball is on the list but 2.7.8!!
What's up with that??

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