Tres Seaver, on 2007-11-29:
> One of the overrides in the CMF catalog tool (and inherited in the Plone
> version, AFAIK) is filtering out content which the user wouldn't be
> permitted to view if she did find it.  Are you sure that your School
> object is in an appropriate workflow state for the user to find?

D'oh!  That sounds entirely plausible.  I should have thought of that.
Trying it now.  Yes, that's it. :)

> You should be able to look at the content of the catalog (on its
> "Catalog" tab) and find your School object.  Look at the content of the
> 'allowedRolesAndUsers' index for that object:  does it say something
> like '("Manager",)"?

Yes, Manager and some other roles.  I published the item and now
Anonymous is in that list.  And that makes my PAS plugin work.  Phew!


Maurits van Rees | [NL]
            Work |
"Do not worry about your difficulties in computers,
 I can assure you mine are still greater."

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