----- Original Message -----
From: "Jens Vagelpohl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Feb 5, 2008, at 11:53 , Andreas Jung wrote:
--On 5. Februar 2008 11:35:09 +0100 Jaroslav Lukesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
with Zope version 2.5.1 I was get nice error messages from source of
page. With 2.9.4 I was get error messages in file log/events.log which
better for security reasons, but these messages are not as exact as
old zope which give me point to failure like that:
Why would Zope 2.9 won't give you the same traceback? or a similar one?
Use the error_log object in the ZODB. It contains the tracebacks for all
those exception types that are not in the (configurable) exclusion list.
It is the same as the event.log plus whole request.
But with Zope 251 error log points me to exact code with problem:
(Object: REQUEST.set('Mailinf', Mailinf_VZ + email_delim + Mailinf_MZ +
email_delim + Mailinf_GZ + email_delim + Mailinf_Zadavatel + email_delim +
Mailinf_Kontakt + email_delim + Mailinf))
(Info: email_delim)
File <string>, line 2, in f
NameError: (see above)
But 294 not:
<DTMLMethod at /www/sys_list-item_text used for /www/cz>
URL: http://xx/sys_list-item_text/manage_main
Physical Path:/www/sys_list-item_text
Module DocumentTemplate.DT_String, line 476, in __call__
Module DocumentTemplate.DT_In, line 703, in renderwob
Module DocumentTemplate.DT_Try, line 140, in render
Module DocumentTemplate.DT_Try, line 174, in render_try_except
Module OFS.DTMLDocument, line 121, in __call__
<DTMLDocument at /www/cz/akcni>
URL: http://xx/cz/akcni/manage_main
Physical Path:/www/cz/akcni
Module DocumentTemplate.DT_String, line 476, in __call__
Module DocumentTemplate.DT_Let, line 76, in render
KeyError: 'prehled'
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