I have a simple test Zope product inheriting from Cacheable, PropertyManager
and SimpleItem.
Say I have a dtml method at http://myzopeinstance.com/testdtml with contents
<dtml-let myvar="'hello world'"><dtml-var testproduct></dtml-let>
I'd like "myvar" to be available in the__call__ method of testproduct. I don't
know how to do that.
Here's my testproduct __call__ method:
def __call__(self, client=None, REQUEST=None, **kw):
foo="1. client:"+str(client)+"<BR>" \
+"2. REQUEST:"+str(REQUEST)+"<BR>" \
+"3. kw:"+str(kw)+"<BR>" \
+"4. getattr(..REQUEST..):"+str(getattr(self, "REQUEST",
None))+"<BR>" \
+"5. getattr(..client..):"+str(getattr(self, "client", None))+"<BR>"
+"6. getattr(self, myvar...):"+str(getattr(self, "myvar", None))+
"<BR>" \
+"7. aq_get(self, myvar...):"+str(aq_get(self, "myvar", None))+
return foo
>From poking around I was expecting "myvar" to be accessible somewhere from
>that list either directly or as an attribute of one of the objects, but it's
>not. Every call (via a web browser) displays None for every line except #4,
>the getattr(self, "REQUEST", None) statement.
Containment acquisition works more or less the way I would expect, i.e. if
myvar is a dtml method in the same folder then the text "hello world" shows up
on lines 6 and 7. (I don't understand though why the REQUEST object is always
None; I thought when a DTML method calls another object the client and REQUEST
parameters are passed in.)
I'd appreciate it if someone can explain to me how things work and what I'm
doing wrong.
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