On Monday 25 February 2008 22:45:24 Joerg Baach wrote:
> > I should have mentioned that in order for verbose-security to work you
> > also need to switch to the python security implementation -- did you do
> > that?
> Yes, I did.
> > If yes, you should see lines like these in your event.log:
> No, don't :-(


> But somehow I have the feeling it has more to do with the 'and the
> container is not wrapped' part of the message. Not that I can make sense
> of it ;-)

Yes, definitely. Its just with VerboseSecurity its easier to debug...

Another option: put a debugger breakpoint (eg. "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()") 
at the place where the "Unauthorized" exception is raised and inspect the 


> Cheers,
>   Joerg

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