No idea even where to start. I played with creating a 'boring' object a while back but I am pretty sure ours is a tad more complicated. All the parts of our site I work on are in SQL and was never involved in the ZClass News stuff. It just works...and continues to work...but is limiting us from upgrading.

So, where to start. Once we get some guidance, we could probably do it ourselves. Anyone willing to a$$$ist? We don't have a budget for it but could scrape something together to get started. Even just to log in and look at what we have and say,
"Ah, you need to do this and this and this, then it will work."
I know not that simple, but that is what I am trying to find out.



Jens Vagelpohl wrote:

On Mar 26, 2008, at 12:59 , Allen Schmidt Sr. wrote:

That sounds so easy. We have one ZClass but it is the basis of almost our entire newspaper website. The news ZClass was built in 2000 and put into production when we went live on Zope in Feb 2001 (just before the guys at Zope Corp said that ZClasss were bad). Over 7 full years of daily news as ZClass objects. We are in the same boat as we want to move from 2.7.5 to a later version. We could switch to SQL articles but then we would have to make sure all the old URLs still functioned as our content is all over the search engines...and convert everywhere there are tools to manage story creation, importing, editing, etc. Yuck. We could just make the cutover one day and just keep an instance running for the old stuff and all new stuff runs from SQL.

When you build a "real" Zope product to replace the ZClasses it is no problem to make it behave like the old instances and put them in the same place as the old instance so the URL remains the same. Switching away from ZClasses does not mean you must change instance URLs etc.


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