+-------[ sujitha mary ]----------------------
| Hi,
| I need to open and display an HTML file in zope.For that I uploaded the file 
| DTML document and tried to retrieve it from a page template.this is code which
| i wrote for this:
|     <pre>
|       <span tal:condition="python:n=='geneprot'" 
| will
|            </span></pre>
| 'PH226' is the name of my uploaded file.
| If i need to display more than one file at a time wht should i do?i tried to
| modify my code for displaying the files which is selected by the user thru' a
| form.But it didn't work:
| This is the piece of code which i used
| <span tal:define="x request/phageid">
| <pre>
|  <span tal:condition="python:n=='geneprot'" tal:replace="here/x">this  will
|   </span></pre></span>

<span tal:replace="python getattr(context, request['phageid'])" />

OR if you have them stored in a list called pageids;

<span tal:repeat='pageid request/pageids'>
  <span tal:replace="python getattr(context, pageid)" />

Andrew Milton
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