+-------[ chaouche yacine ]----------------------
| > +-------[ chaouche yacine ]----------------------
| > |
| > | Correct. I Quit... :( better not to store ZODB objects in
| > the session and try to get some way around.
| > 
| > So now you can go look at the Cache objects that Zope
| > provides :-)
| > 
| > -- 
| > Andrew Milton
| If you are talking about RAM cache, HTTP cache etc., I don't know if they'll 
do the trick because, again, it's about caching objects that do not live in the 
ZODB, i.e I cannot go in the ZMI and click the cache tab on a python script or 
a page template because that's not what I am trying to do.
| But maybe there's the volatile attributes alternative, and that fails too 
then I have no choice but to do the caching mechanism myself...

Whatever you are doing, you are doing the "wrong thing".

You are instantiating persistent objects and not storing them in the
ZODB. This is going to cause your ZODB to grow, so you might as well
store them.

Otherwise you need to make non-persistent versions of the objects you
are trying to 'cache' and use those instead.

Andrew Milton
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