I found a litle solution using <dtml-var expr="q_item['region']"> (1)

but why not work using <dtml-var q_var_region>?

(1) http://marc.info/?l=zope-dev&m=103341051405194&w=2

2008/11/6 Miguel Beltran R. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi list
> After read http://plope.com/Books/2_7Edition/AppendixA.stx#2-19 I tried
> use two dtml-in for get information from zsql diferents, but say "This
> resource may be trying to reference a nonexistent object or variable *
> 'x_var_region'*."
> what is missing?
> The first dtml-in (prefix="q") only return one record.
> The second dtml-in return 12 records.
> [code]
> <dtml-in expr="zsql_taller(
>     zregi=bregi, ztall=btall)"
>     prefix="q">
> <p>
> <form class="formulario" action="estado.html" id="main_form"
> name="main_form">
> <input type="hidden" name="accion" value="insertar" />
> <ul>
>     <li><label for="bregi" class="titulo">REGION</label>
>            <select id="bregi" name="bregi">
>               <dtml-in dime_region prefix="x">
>                  <option value="<dtml-var x_var_region>"    <--- Here try
> access tha variable
>                           <dtml-if
> expr="x_var_region==q_var_region">selected</dtml-if>
>                  >
>                  </option>
>               </dtml-in>
>            </select>
>     </li>
> </ul>
> </form>
> <p>
> </dtml-in>
> --
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