+-------[ Chris Withers ]----------------------
| Jim Fulton wrote:
| > We and canonical use the Zope Framework.  We don't use an  
| > application.  Zope (aka Zope 2) is an extensible application. We (ZC  
| > and Canonical and others) assemble components from the Zope Framework  
| > to build our own applications.
| Hmm, maybe I got this wrong, but Gary Poster expressed a strong concern 
| that "zope 3 the app server" needed to keep living.
| I do think the name "Zope" should never be used on its own again.
| I think "Zope Classic" would certainly work for "Zope 2 the app server", 
| it conveys the right things:
| - mature
| - stable
| - maybe not the best choice for new development.
                             ^ for you

Andrew Milton
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