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- From reading: your database model appears pretty much relational.
Where would you take advantages from using Zope as framework?
This sounds like a task for Pyramid + RDBMS or a graph DB.

- -aj

Sareesh Sudhakaran wrote:
> I have a personal project - a web application I wanted to develop - 
> but I'm confused on which route to take. I am not under any time 
> constraint.
> *About the App:*
> The best I can describe it is as a kind of expert system (but not AI)
> that needs to find the best workflow for a process, given a set of
> initial and final parameters. E.g. a 'capsule' of data must pass 
> through many 'tools' or 'environments' to reach a desired output - 
> something like a very complicated car wash.
> Let's say there are many tools that can be used at various stages in 
> the process. I have estimated there are at least 500 tools as of
> now, and it is bound to grow in the future as newer tools are
> introduced. Existing tools will also have version updates.
> Each tool, on average, has at least 100 properties that define the 
> tool. Some of them have as high as 1000 unique properties. Some of 
> these tools are linked to each other - e.g if one tool is selected, 
> there are only n tools that can correspond to it for the next step
> in the process. I also have the problem of 'matching' the tools for 
> analysis. E.g. Tool A might have only three fixed rpms - 100, 200
> and 500, but Tool B might have rpms from 20 to 2000. I'm not sure how
> I can construct a database without spelling out each number, as in
> the example above.
> The total number of tools needed for the process can be defined at 
> the beginning, however, it will change as the application becomes 
> more complex in the future. I plan to address every contingency in 
> the process. The idea is - if the user inputs the initial parameters 
> and the desired outcome (another set of parameters), the app must 
> find the 'best' path - sort of like a decision tree. The best path 
> can be the fastest, cheapest, etc. I would like the user to choose 
> what is best for him/her.
> Unfortunately, parameters might change, relationships might change 
> (but not regularly) - the 'rules' I will be using might be revised 
> for better accuracy in prediction.
> I also need to track each user's path and solutions' for future 
> reference (but no personal details except username and email address 
> for logging in). Maybe when the app is up and running, I'd like to 
> make it more democratic, with users contributing to refining the 
> logic/rules involved.
> If possible, I would also like the app to output a graphical 
> flowchart at the end showing the workflow with all tools grouped in 
> an easy to understand layout.
> *My questions:*
> 1. Will the app be better served with a relational DB like mySQL or 
> an Object database? After a lot of research I've guessed that my 
> particular case might be better served with Python and Zope/ZODB.
> But I might be wrong? Maybe PHP+mySQL or Django is a better fit? 2.
> Can anyone provide general advice on how to go about beginning such
> a project in ZOPE. Which is the best place to start learning for a 
> newbie? 3. Can anyone recommend a good shared hosting provider that 
> supports Zope fully but is not expensive? 4. Is there a module or
> app that is open source that I can use to output a graphical
> flowchart based on the results, or will I be better served
> programming it from scratch with Python?
> I would appreciate any help in getting started. Thank you in
> advance. I have tried most online forums but have not good any
> productive answers. Most of the answers I got were pro-PHP+mySQL.
> Adam
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