Hi NielsI agree with you, even though I have no experience. 
But I'm restricted by hosting options for Zope at the moment, and will revert 
to Python once the project is deployed - and when I figure out whether mySQL is 
good enough or not. I hate having to type all those extra characters in php 

> From: n...@syndicat.com
> To: ays...@hotmail.com; zope@zope.org
> Subject: Re: [Zope] Help in deciding approach to Web App
> Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2011 11:25:18 +0100
> Am Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011, 16:15:13 schrieben Sie:
> > As you mentioned, if I have to use mySQL, isn't it better for me to go with
> > PHP+mySQL - easier to learn and deploy?
> ...just from my experience:
> PHP is - for different, but mainly technical/historical reasons - very widely 
> spread within web applications, one major reason was/is i.e. the large 
> (because "easy") availability on low cost hosting environments in the past - 
> but the most advantages was/are on the side of the hosting providers....
> PHP might be easier to learn then other languages or frameworks, but 
> maintaining large / complex applications / software projects within PHP could 
> be a real mess.
> We develop nearly any web application with Zope / ZODB since >= 10 years but 
> are a hosting company byself - so we was not bound to PHP as many other 
> internet hosting users in the past. A colleagues company produces very high 
> level expert systems on Perl and Catalyst - requiring high skilled Perl 
> programmers.
> From my experience developing within Zope / ZODB (with Python, DTML and/or 
> ZPT) allows very high quality products within very short timeframes and even 
> further maintaining the project is relative ressource efficient - especially 
> compared to PHP.
> Most web application data structures (i.e. a "simple" web page) fit's much 
> better by a oo object strategy then a relational (RDBMS) one. 
> The major typical ressource hole within typical PHP+SQL web applications or 
> i.e. a CMS solution is the translation of typical data objects into tables 
> and 
> vice versa. Producing i.e. one "simple" CMS page within a PHP-SQL CMS easily 
> could trigger hundreds of SQL requests into many different tables - a 
> significant overhead which has to implemented by developers and handled by 
> the 
> machines.
> But this is my view onto the issue - just my two cents...
> cheers,
> Niels.
> -- 
> ---
> Niels Dettenbach
> Syndicat IT&Internet
> http://www.syndicat.com/
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