Re-posting like this is a sure fire way to get people to ignore you ;-)

Chris - often ignored himself, apparently...

Manuel Vázquez Acosta wrote:
Hi all,
Yesterday I post a message and I have not received any feedback yet. Please I 
really need someone to tell if there's already a similar project out there.
Am I addressing to the right mailing list?

-----Original Message-----
From: Manuel Vázquez Acosta Sent: Monday, October 03, 2005 4:02 PM
To: ''
Subject: FW: On ZPT designer...

Hi all,
I'm wondering if there's any effort towards creating a good page design application. I think of something like NVU or Dreamweaver being capable of semi-process TAL and METAL tags at least.
Currently, we have no choice but creating a draft in html that represents what 
a page looks like, and then including ZPT tags in order to make that draft a 
useful ZPT.
This approach might work in several scenarios, but fails especially on those 
where intensive use of macros and slots is done (e.g. Plone).
I think fine integration between Zope and an external editor like NVU, might do 
a good job for us (Dreamweaver lacks some flexibility gained in Mozilla based 
products through XBL, but could help anyway). I think writing a small(?) Zope 
Product to interface with external editors and a XPI (or a bunch of DW 
Extensions) for NVU will suffice.
I'm posting these ideas mainly because I'm new to Zope and its internals (and I'm new to Python also), so it would take me a little bit of time before getting into production; and also, I always ask if somebody else is doing something like what I'm looking for. There are other concerns which deserve some attention, but they will be addressed at a proper time.
Best regards,

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Simplistix - Content Management, Zope & Python Consulting

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