Am 20.08.2007, 20:53 Uhr, schrieb Dieter Maurer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

This is caused by switching in the Zope3 (unicode based) ZPT implementation
for Zope 2.10.

Yes, I know the cause and can see it in the tracebacks. It's just a bit weird that string formatting works fine but TALES string: expressions treat everything as ASCII. So maybe I need to look at the underlying implementation of ZPT.

The new ZPT implementaion required serveral minor releases before
it became stable. Maybe, you do not yet have the most current version.

Zope 2.10.3-final. There has been another version since then but the changelog makes no reference to ZPT.

Andreas tried hard to control the inevitable string/unicode integration
problems. Maybe, you read the available documentation to find out
about your choices.

Have the ZPT docs been updated?

Charlie Clark

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