
The ehcache errors shouldn't be a problem be ignored. They are due to 
multiple VM shutdown hooks which cause things to mess up when the VM 
exits. We need to make sure all the tests close application contexts 
properly to stop these messages but they won't cause the tests to fail.



Candide Kemmler wrote:
> Hi All,
> My name is Candide Kemmler (http://www.palacehotel.org) and I'm very
> interested in using OpenID for authenticating users. The code is still in
> the sandbox and hence I need to build the code to test it. I told Ray
> Krueger about the following error, and he told me to share it with you.
> Thanks for your help
> <quote>
> I just co'd the code and tried to build it using maven. Got the following
> error... It's about ehcache configuration which causes tests to fail.
> Can you please help me to fix these?
> </quote>

  Luke Taylor.                      Monkey Machine Ltd.
  PGP Key ID: 0x57E9523C            http://www.monkeymachine.ltd.uk

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