+1 for the component.  Since it's coming from Jeanne,
I'm pretty sure she's using skinning for those icons. :)

-- Adam



I think it will be a very nice addition to Trinidad, what kind of up/down
arrows are used though? skin icons?


Simon Lessard
Fujitsu Consulting

Jeanne Waldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2006-08-01 13:00
Please respond to adffaces-dev

        To:     adffaces-dev@incubator.apache.org
        Subject:        [Proposal] inputNumberSpinbox

Hi there,
I have a new component that I created called inputNumberSpinbox. Before
I submit the patch, I wanted to send out this note to see if anyone has
a comment.

            The inputNumberSpinbox component creates a browser input
widget and up/down arrows.
            It is used to enter numbers and quickly step through the
numbers using the up/down arrows.
            The number needs to be within the minimum and maximum.
            It also supports displaying a label, text, and messages.


The properties that are inputNumberSpinbox specific are:

stepSize - The step size by which the spinbox will increase or decrease
the number in the input.
minimum - The spinbox which decreases the number in the spinbox will
stop at the minimum value, and not decrease more.
maximum - The spinbox which increases the number in the spinbox will
stop at the maximum value, and not increase more.
columns - the number of columns of the input field. This is the same
property that we have in inputText.

otherwise, the properties are similar to the other input components,
e.g., required, simple, label, styleClass, inlineStyle, contentStyle, etc.

Currently, this component does not have auto-validation to make sure the
numbers are between minimum and maximum. I thought that could be a
feature we can add later if we think we need this.

- Jeanne

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