Ok, thanks! I'll submit a JIRA for this and a patch soon after.

- Jeanne

Matthias Wessendorf wrote:

+1 from me too!



Simon Lessard
Fujitsu Consulting

"Adam Winer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2006-08-01 16:01
Please respond to adffaces-dev

        To:     adffaces-dev@incubator.apache.org
        Subject:        Re: [Proposal] inputNumberSpinbox

+1 for the component.  Since it's coming from Jeanne,
I'm pretty sure she's using skinning for those icons. :)

-- Adam

> Hello,
> I think it will be a very nice addition to Trinidad, what kind of
> arrows are used though? skin icons?
> Regards,
> Simon Lessard
> Fujitsu Consulting
> Jeanne Waldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 2006-08-01 13:00
> Please respond to adffaces-dev
>         To:     adffaces-dev@incubator.apache.org
>         cc:
>         Subject:        [Proposal] inputNumberSpinbox
> Hi there,
> I have a new component that I created called inputNumberSpinbox. Before > I submit the patch, I wanted to send out this note to see if anyone has
> a comment.
>             The inputNumberSpinbox component creates a browser input
> widget and up/down arrows.
>             It is used to enter numbers and quickly step through the
> numbers using the up/down arrows.
>             The number needs to be within the minimum and maximum.
>             It also supports displaying a label, text, and messages.
> <component-family>org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.Input</component-family>
> <renderer-type>org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.NumberSpinbox</renderer-type>
> The properties that are inputNumberSpinbox specific are:
> stepSize - The step size by which the spinbox will increase or decrease
> the number in the input.
> minimum - The spinbox which decreases the number in the spinbox will
> stop at the minimum value, and not decrease more.
> maximum - The spinbox which increases the number in the spinbox will
> stop at the maximum value, and not increase more.
> columns - the number of columns of the input field. This is the same
> property that we have in inputText.
> otherwise, the properties are similar to the other input components,
> e.g., required, simple, label, styleClass, inlineStyle, contentStyle,
> Currently, this component does not have auto-validation to make sure the
> numbers are between minimum and maximum. I thought that could be a
> feature we can add later if we think we need this.
> - Jeanne

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