I've been reading here, but I haven't had anything to suggest.  All seems
quite odd if it was working prior to upgrading and downgrading didn't work.

Could you spin up a backup of the installation after copying the current
data?  Sure you'd have an older corpus, but I'd think you could add the new
files if necessary, manually replace whitelist etc.

On Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 5:48 PM, cw <colin.war...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Further development on this today, very little.
> I have moved both servers onto Ubuntu 16.04 LTS which means going from perl
> 5.18 to 5.22 and rebuilding all perl modules from scratch.
> The admin user db did not work after the upgrade so I had to empty the
> tables before it would come back online.
> I'm still getting delayed emails and assp shutting down telling me it is
> unable
> to detect any running worker.
> If this goes on much longer the MD will pull the plug and we'll end up
> moving to a third party solution which is not something I want but if I
> can't fix it I can't defend it :/
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