SUMMARY: Would there be benefit (that wouldn't be terrible to code) in
adding the ability for use to assign a score to emails that match a list of
DKIM signature identities?

The DKIMWLAddress and DKIMNPAddress functionality has been an absolute game
changer here.  Thank you so much for implementing that (it was my idea, but
we all know that I could never code such a thing).

I've combined that functionality with closely monitored SenderBase lists to
dramatically improve ASSP's accuracy.

One place where Senderbase shines is it's scoring ability for bulk
senders.  For example, I can give anything that Senderbase says is coming
from constant contact's network a -10 score, by adding it into
whiteSenderBase like
I don't want to blindly let through constant contact signed messages, but
if it's coming from their network, make it a little easier for messages to
pass through. That's worked well for a long long time.

Recently, I'm seeing several bulk senders having legitimate messages DKIM
signed by the bulk sender them, but being sent through Amazon AWS ( and is classified by senderbase as being Amazon /  There's a lot of volume coming in from, but
unfortunately, it's a mix of perfectly legitimate messages and others that
are pure garbage.  So that takes Senderbase off the table.  Coming from
amazonses shouldn't impact the score either way.  And I can't DKIMWLAddress
the signature, then bad stuff would absolutely get through.

An example is Square, the credit card processor and software company.  They
send mail, DKIM signed on behalf of clients.  Most mail
from square is good, but sometimes it gets spammy, just like we see with
mail from other bulk senders.  Real world, I paid for a car wash using
their mobile payment platform, I received the receipt and later got
an email with a promotion from the car wash.  All good.  The provider's
signature was in DKIMWLAddresses.  Today, I received an advertisement from
them for what is apparently a "gentleman's club" next door, offering a
complimentary car wash (I took that literally) for visiting the
establishment.  The language in that email would have absolutely had it
rejected if it hadn't been on DKIMWLAddresses.  Worse, it wound up in the
not-spam corpus.

So, I'd like for certain DKIM signatures to be able to SCORE.  DKIM scoring
would help it get through (or make it harder depending on the score)
without automatically passing it and adding it to the corpus like
DKIMWLAddresses does.   That would let me give the message a negative score
based on the DKIM but still let Bayesian/HMM and other features stay in
play to score the message further.

Conceptually, I could see this working similarly to senderbase.  There
would be a default valance like


set to a default of -25

Then we'd have a list, maybe called DKIMBousScoreList.  Like
DKIMWLAddresses, it would match the end of the validated DKIM identity, but
also accepts a score override:

(@|.)    <--- gets the default of -25

(@|.)>-12    <-- gets -12 for a score

(@|.)>5                        <--- gets 1/5 of the default
-25   -25/5 = -5

(@|.)>-5                      <-- this isn't a bonus, a
negative default divided by a negative is a positive.  it will be -25/-5 or
adding 5 to the score

>From a management standpoint, it would certainly be easier to "just" be
able to assign an optional 2nd parameter to DKIMWLAddresses that would
score instead of whitelisting, but I feel like that could be too big of a
coding project.

I tried to come up with a way to accomplish the same thing based on DKIM
signature, but came up very short.  I know I could ignore DKIM and just
score based on the from line, but I really appreciate the certainty that
DKIM gives that the message is really from that organization.

What do you think?  Would a  DKIMBousScoreList feature have universal
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