ah, wait, are you saying that BombRe will look at headers that ASSP ads,
like X-ASSP-DKIM-Identity (which would only be added for a valid
signature)?   (!!!!!)  I always assumed that the bomb functionality was
only on the mail's original headers.

On Mon, Nov 8, 2021 at 2:28 PM K Post <nntp.p...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The bombHeaderRe with the DEFINE or list should be sufficient.  I'm still
> worried about fake/invalid DKIM still getting the bonus score, but this
> will have to do.  Thanks.
> On Mon, Nov 8, 2021 at 12:01 PM Thomas Eckardt <thomas.ecka...@thockar.com>
> wrote:
>> I told you to score such domains elsewhere - just do it and the result is
>> the same like you wanted.
>> for example:
>> bombHeaderRe:
>> \nDKIM-Signature:(?:[ \t]*[^= \;]+=[^= \;]+\;(?:\r\n)?)+?[ \t]*([di]=\@?(
>> The_Wanted_IDENTITY))\;=>the_wanted_negative_score
>> currently the (?(DEFINE).......) is not working with assp (is destroyed
>> if a-d-n-o-r is not set for the file) - but the next version will do it  -
>>   and you can use:
>> (?(DEFINE)(?<IDENTITY10>the_wanted_identity|ident2|ident3|......))\nDKIM-Signature:(?:[
>> \t]*[^= \;]+=[^= \;]+\;(?:\r\n)?)+?[ 
>> \t]*([di]=\@?(?&IDENTITY10))\;=>the_wanted_negative_score
>> - e.g. -10
>> (?(DEFINE)(?<IDENTITY20>the_wanted_identity|ident5|ident6|......))\nDKIM-Signature:(?:[
>> \t]*[^= \;]+=[^= \;]+\;(?:\r\n)?)+?[ 
>> \t]*([di]=\@?(?&IDENTITY20))\;=>the_wanted_negative_score
>> - eg -20
>> ...
>> CLOSED for me
>> Thomas
>> Von:        "K Post" <nntp.p...@gmail.com>
>> An:        "ASSP development mailing list" <
>> assp-test@lists.sourceforge.net>
>> Datum:        05.11.2021 20:03
>> Betreff:        Re: [Assp-test] Another Concept Question:
>> DKIMBousScoreList
>> ------------------------------
>> Having the dkimBonusScoreList would be like applying
>> dkimBonusValancePB but ONLY for those that DKIM validate AND are on the
>> scorelist.  Here's why I think that would be helpful and what you proposed
>> could be problematic.  Essentially: I'm thinking: "look, this organization
>> usually sends good stuff, but not always.  They might also have people
>> sending non-dkim signed messages through a myriad of channels.  Deal with
>> them separately, but if we KNOW it's from them because of their DKIM
>> signature, help that message get through with the idea that it'll be
>> stored in okmail unless whitelisted through something other than dkim."
>> > there is already dkimOkValencePB - increase it
>> But a high percentage of all messages that are received, spam and not,
>> have valid signatures.  I don't think we should use that to give a bonus
>> regardless of who the signer is.  All gmail messages are signed, almost
>> everyting from office365.  Yes, I could do a univieral bonus then reduce
>> gmail and onmicroosft.com, but that doesn't get 365 users with their own
>> signatures and all of the millions of other domains out there.
>> It was one thing when DKIM signing was a new concept and only legit
>> businesses signed messages.  Now that most senders are signing, giving  a
>> bonus would let an awful lot of spam slip through under the rejection
>> scoring threshold.
>> >reduce the score for certain domains by blackListedDomains, SenderBase
>> or anywhere else - if needed
>> Senderbase won't work for those using AWS as an example - too many
>> spammers use them, so adding to senderbase can't be negated using
>> blacklist/bombs, etc because I obviously don't know all of the bad senders
>> using AWS.
>> I could reduce the score based on a BombRe match on squaremktg, but then
>> I'm reducing when I haven't validated the signature.  It would probably
>> work for this specific example, but it would be generally helpful to be
>> able to reduce the score on a message based solely on the signature when
>> I'm sure they're actually the sender   Dare I say that I'm in love with
>> DKIM?
>> Would it be life changing like DoDKIMWLAddresses?  No absolutely not, but
>> if it's not a major task to add the functionality, I think there would be
>> wide appeal.
>> I >>almost<< want to suggest that the dkimBonusValancePB feature be
>> removed altogether.  I can't think of a scenario where you'd want to give a
>> bonus universally just because a message has a valid signature from
>> anyone.  Same thing for the SPF pass bonus and it's default of -10!!!  I'm
>> sure there are people using one or both, I just can't think of a
>> scenario in which it's a good idea.
>> On Fri, Nov 5, 2021 at 10:37 AM Thomas Eckardt <
>> *thomas.ecka...@thockar.com* <thomas.ecka...@thockar.com>> wrote:
>> Another useless post about concepts without reading the manual.
>> >dkimBonusValancePB
>> there is already dkimOkValencePB - increase it
>> and
>> reduce the score for certain domains by blackListedDomains, SenderBase or
>> anywhere else - if needed
>> Thomas
>> Von:        "K Post" <*nntp.p...@gmail.com* <nntp.p...@gmail.com>>
>> An:        "ASSP development mailing list" <
>> *assp-test@lists.sourceforge.net* <assp-test@lists.sourceforge.net>>
>> Datum:        04.11.2021 22:38
>> Betreff:        [Assp-test] Another Concept Question: DKIMBousScoreList
>> ------------------------------
>> SUMMARY: Would there be benefit (that wouldn't be terrible to code) in
>> adding the ability for use to assign a score to emails that match a list of
>> DKIM signature identities?
>> The DKIMWLAddress and DKIMNPAddress functionality has been an absolute
>> game changer here.  Thank you so much for implementing that (it was my
>> idea, but we all know that I could never code such a thing).
>> I've combined that functionality with closely monitored SenderBase lists
>> to dramatically improve ASSP's accuracy.
>> One place where Senderbase shines is it's scoring ability for bulk
>> senders.  For example, I can give anything that Senderbase says is coming
>> from constant contact's network a -10 score, by adding it into
>> whiteSenderBase like
>> ^constantcontact\.com$=>-10
>> I don't want to blindly let through constant contact signed messages, but
>> if it's coming from their network, make it a little easier for messages to
>> pass through. That's worked well for a long long time.
>> Recently, I'm seeing several bulk senders having legitimate messages DKIM
>> signed by the bulk sender them, but being sent through Amazon AWS (
>> *amazonses.com* <http://amazonses.com/>) and is classified by senderbase
>> as being Amazon / *amazonses.com* <http://amazonses.com/>.  There's a
>> lot of volume coming in from *amazonses.com* <http://amazonses.com/>,
>> but unfortunately, it's a mix of perfectly legitimate messages and others
>> that are pure garbage.  So that takes Senderbase off the table.  Coming
>> from amazonses shouldn't impact the score either way.  And I can't
>> DKIMWLAddress the signature, then bad stuff would absolutely get through.
>> An example is Square, the credit card processor and software company.
>> They send mail, DKIM signed @*squaremktg.com* <http://squaremktg.com/>
>> on behalf of clients.  Most mail from square is good, but sometimes it gets
>> spammy, just like we see with mail from other bulk senders.  Real world, I
>> paid for a car wash using their mobile payment platform, I received the
>> receipt and later got an email with a promotion from the car wash.  All
>> good.  The provider's signature was in DKIMWLAddresses.  Today, I received
>> an advertisement from them for what is apparently a "gentleman's club" next
>> door, offering a complimentary car wash (I took that literally) for
>> visiting the establishment.  The language in that email would have
>> absolutely had it rejected if it hadn't been on DKIMWLAddresses.  Worse, it
>> wound up in the not-spam corpus.
>> So, I'd like for certain DKIM signatures to be able to SCORE.  DKIM
>> scoring would help it get through (or make it harder depending on the
>> score) without automatically passing it and adding it to the corpus like
>> DKIMWLAddresses does.   That would let me give the message a negative score
>> based on the DKIM but still let Bayesian/HMM and other features stay in
>> play to score the message further.
>> Conceptually, I could see this working similarly to senderbase.  There
>> would be a default valance like
>> dkimBonusValancePB
>> set to a default of -25
>> Then we'd have a list, maybe called DKIMBousScoreList.  Like
>> DKIMWLAddresses, it would match the end of the validated DKIM identity, but
>> also accepts a score override:
>> (@|.)*squaremktg.com* <http://squaremktg.com/>    <--- gets the default
>> of -25
>> (@|.)someUsuallyOKsigner.com=>-12    <-- gets -12 for a score
>> (@|.)*prettygood.com* <http://prettygood.com/>=>5
>> <--- gets 1/5 of the default -25   -25/5 = -5
>> (@|.)UsuallyBad.com=>-5                      <-- this isn't a bonus, a
>> negative default divided by a negative is a positive.  it will be -25/-5 or
>> adding 5 to the score
>> From a management standpoint, it would certainly be easier to "just" be
>> able to assign an optional 2nd parameter to DKIMWLAddresses that would
>> score instead of whitelisting, but I feel like that could be too big of a
>> coding project.
>> I tried to come up with a way to accomplish the same thing based on DKIM
>> signature, but came up very short.  I know I could ignore DKIM and just
>> score based on the from line, but I really appreciate the certainty that
>> DKIM gives that the message is really from that organization.
>> What do you think?  Would a  DKIMBousScoreList feature have universal
>> appeal?
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