On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 23:25:41 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a message dated 12/20/2004 7:33:30 P.M. Central Standard Time,
> There is a Christian doctrine known as dispensationalism which breaks
> human history into different periods (dispensations) where God deals
> with human beings in a particular way
> Dear Gilberto, 
> This was a little different. Dispensationalism is usually associated with
> fundamentalism and is based on the premise that God's way of dealing with
> humanity changed dramatically. Ideas of Progressive Revelation in the 19th
> century were based more on the notion of God enfolding His nature to us
> overtime. 

To be honest, the above sounds to me like To-mah-to, To-mah-to. The
difference between things changing radically as opposed to gradually
unfolding is pretty relative and depends on perspective. There are
even explanations of dispensationalism which use analogies similar to
the Bahais where humanity is compared to a child who  matures and
passes through various stages.

If you didn't have Dispensationalism in mind, which was the Christian
concept you were thinking of which was similar to progressive



"My people are hydroponic"

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