On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 09:03:09 -0800 (PST), John Smith
> G: The Bahai writings say that Muhammad only fought defensively to stop
> persecution. This would have saved lives.
> J: So are you justifying War in some instances related to stopping religious
> persecution?  Doesn't this contradict what you said in the other email that
> all wars were committed by bad Muslims? 

I think I've been refering to more than once who Muhammad and Hussein
participated in fighting. I didn't say or mean to imply that all
fighting was wrong.

What I think you had mentioned was about Muslims *starting* wars. I
think in the above examples, the pre-existing situation of persecution
and violence *started* the wars. The Muslims were just trying to
address the situation.

 Baha'u'llah distanced war from
> religion to the extend that it is not even allowed as a means to stop
> persecution and save lives. Better to die than to smear Baha'i with another
> man's blood.  This to me is a mark of true sovereignty and true power.

But I would think that the value of a human life doesn't go up or down
like hemlines either. I would think that in general if a certain act
of killing was wrong after 1844 it would have been wrong before too,



"My people are hydroponic"

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