I think Ruhi was God-sent for my 16 yr old son.  He used to be a shy, introvert
teenager with a wishy-washy knowledge of the Faith, and when he came to
meetings almost never said anything or was not engaged in any other way.  He
went through all the Ruhi books and is now an enormously confident young man,
involved with teaching children classes, public proclamations, a lot of
personal teaching, etc.  The other night he debated me about the station of
Baha'u'llah and I think he had the better argument!

So whatever the shortcomings of Ruhi may be, it has done wonders for my son, in
ways that I could have never taught him.  

When I look around my community here in Houston, I see that Ruhi has given
confidence and voice to a lot of Baha'is that were otherwise not engaged or too
insecure in their knowledge and commitment to speak or act.  

Baha'i community used to be like a triangle.  At the base you had a lot of
inactive Baha'is and as you went up the triangle (towards the vertex), you have
more active, knowledgeable, engaged Baha'is.  What Ruhi has done is to tackle
the base and the middle parts of the triangle and significantly expand and
strengthen that segment of our population.

As for me, I sat and suffered through one session of Ruhi and was ready to put
gun to my head after that.  So it may not be for an old dog like me, but as I
said it was God-sent for my son.

Regards, Ahang.  

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