On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 09:46:04 -0800 (PST), JS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gilberto:  But to accuse the Islamic punishments of being brutal and
> inhumane is
> something which is difficult if not impossible for a Bahai to do with
> integrity.
> JS:  But Gilberto, none of the Laws of the Aqdas are enforced except a few
> related to prayer, marriage, burial, alcohol, opium, and a few others. 

I don't see why that would be a relevant distinction. To make the
example more extreme. If your books said to round up Muslims in
concentration camps and put them in ovens (something which the Bahai
writings clearly do not say) it wouldn't be at all comforting to say
"But Bahais don't have  a country yet so we can't enforce those right

> Burtal Qur'an laws are, however, enforced by Muslim countries like Saudi
> Arabia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Pakistan, etc.

I wouldn't embrace any of them as truly Islamic. There is room for improvement.

And even if the Bahai writings didn't say what they did about
punishments for arson, how can you believe the Quran comes from God
and at the same time call it brutal?

"My people are hydroponic"

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