I thought the laws were in the Aqdas?

Dear Gilberto,

Not all of them.

> Jihads are also justified to defend Muslims living in the Daru'l-Harb as
> sure you know, and bring their country into the Daru'l-Islam.

"Then that's ultimately a matter of saving lives."

It can be done according to Islamic laws if Muslims in a country feel they
are not free to live as Muslims, whether their lives are directly threatened
or not. But in any case, in the Baha'i Faith we cannot fight in the name of
our religion even if our lives are at stake.
"The whole passage already looked sinister as is. I didn't remove any
mitigating context."

Yes, you did. You left out the parts that make that passage make sense.

"The specific examples given fall in those categories but there is no
statement which explicitly puts a limit on what could be included in
"righteous purpose"."

So? He gives the most reasonable examples there are and you call that


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