Hi, Janine,

At 07:17 AM 1/24/2005, you wrote:
>>The problem I see is that various religions have different views on how 
>>things should be handled. all religions except the Bahai faith have priests 
>>and different schools of thought.<<

Actually, there are many religions which do not have clergy, including Hicksite 
Quakerism (Friends General Conference in the U.S.), Doukhoborism, Sikhism, 
Confucianism, Christian Science, the Theosophical Society, Christadelphianism, 

There may officially be no schools of thought in the Baha'i Faith. However, I 
think that the varied postings on the Internet would indicate the presence of 
several schools of thought, or "Baha'i faiths," among Baha'is.

Regards, Mark A. Foster • http://markfoster.net • [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger." ---- Abbie Hoffman 

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