On Sun, 30 Jan 2005 14:29:38 -0600, Susan Maneck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "I am personally open to the
> idea that Buddha may have been a prophet, But I wouldn't insist on it
> the way that the Bahais do."
> Dear Gilberto,
> We believe it because Abdu'l-Baha said so.
Fair enough.

> "So don't have any reason to believe that
> the current Buddhist scriptures are distorted."
> Buddha appeared in India before writing was current there, so there really
> are no scriptures that can be directly linked to Him.

Well, Jesus didn't write any of the New Testament himself either.

I guess in the case of the Buddhist scriptures, the fact that there
are a core of scriptures which pretty much a wide consensus of
Buddhists seem to be in agreement about, and the fact that I have no
particular reason to discount them is persuasive enough for me.

> "So if it would be nealy unthinkable that God would leave the followers
> of Jesus without access through scriptures then what about the
> followers of the Buddha?"

> I don't think Baha'u'llah's statement in the Iqan regarding the integrity of
> the Gospel should be taken to mean there couldn't be Manifestations before
> there were books.

That's not what I'm saying. I'm not hung up on there being a book. The
argument made in the Iqan regarding Christianity is basically:

> What would be left to that people to
> cling to from the setting of the day-star of Jesus until the rise of
> the sun of the Muhammadan Dispensation? What law could be their stay
> and guide?

And it just begs the question:

What would be left to [Buddhists] to cling to from the setting of the
day-star of [Sidhartha Gautama] until the rise of the [next
Manifestation (Jesus?)] What law could be their stay and guide?



"pharoah is just a leaf on a burning bush"

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