Hi, Susan,

At 10:01 PM 1/31/2005, you wrote:
>>Yes, but those things aren't matters of authoriative interpretation. It is 
>>those intepretations which will continue to be authoritative.<<

No, but I think they are, at least in some instances, *applications* of the 
Guardian's interpretations to current events. In other words, some 
interpretations given by Shoghi Effendi may have been "pure" (given just for 
their own sakes) and others may have been "applied." 

If the Guardian's discussion of, say, racism as the most challenging issue in 
the U.S., was a temporal application of his interpretive function, then it will 
lose its significance over time, and future "applied interpretations" will be 

Regards, Mark A. Foster • http://markfoster.net • [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger." ---- Abbie Hoffman 

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