On 5/6/05, Mark A. Foster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just as there are various Christianities, Islams, Judaisms, Hinduisms, etc., 
> there are, and should be, a multitude of Baha'i faiths (polydoxy). What 
> unites us as Baha'is, and gives us our shared identity, is not our orthodoxy, 
> our universal acceptance of doctrines, but our orthopraxy, our firmness in 
> the collective center of the Covenant (the Will of God). A Baha'i can, IMO, 
> be heteropraxic but not heterodox.

[And then Mark sent out an email saying that the last two terms
(heteropraxic and heterodox should be switched]

Is that really how the Bahai faith fits into the above framework?  It
seems more like a particular understanding of Bahai orthodoxy? The
analogy which comes to mind is that what you said sounds like a
Christian saying "Of course, there are many different Christianities
which are possible... as long as they accept the authority of the
bishop of Rome and everything that implies."

By definition that excludes Protestants. And your definition of Bahai
excludes Orthodox Bahais.

Just in general, it seems very hard to get around the issue. Anytime
you take a religious group and you want to define it, by definition
that means setting limits as to who is in, and who is out. And unless
you simply accept everyone who self-identifies, it seems like you
would invariably (even if only implicitly) set up some criteria and
draw the line in a way which excludes at least somebody from the


"pharaoh is just a leaf on a burning bush"

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