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  One woman, a member of his International Council reported
> on-line that after she was named to the council, he had insisted on having
> sex with her.  When her husband, also a member of the council, refused to
> support her, she left the movement.

Here is what she wrote when Leland Jensen died:

I am pleased to announce that "Dr." Leland "Doc" Jensen, leader of
'Baha'is Under the Provisions of the Covenant' (based in Missoula,
Montana) the cult to which I belonged from 1990-94, FINALLY died August
6, 1996. He would have been 82 years old on August 22.
It's amazing to me what a sense of relief I feel!! I keep finding
myself whistling the song from "Wizard of Oz"....."Ding, dong, the witch
is dead... Which old witch?.... The wicked witch!" !!!
It's odd to be glad of somebody's death, and there's a little (tiny)
voice scolding me for my glee, but I really am glad he can't (directly)
hurt anyone any more!!! The women he molested can rest easier now, as can
his followers who are the parents of young girls who have worked so hard
at trying to believe his story of innocence. (He did time at the Montana
State Prison for "lewd and lacivious acts on a minor" who was a 15 year
old chiropractic patient of his. 19 other women also testified at his 1969
trial about their molestations by him...not an era in which women freely
said the things they said on the stand, not even if they were being bribed
as Jensen claimed. Since his "visitation" while in prison and his
subsequent "mission" has put him in a position above suspicion or
reproach, any woman student or follower of his who accused him of sexual
impropriety was in turn accused of lying for some evil motive, "going
against the Promised One of God.")
Those harmed in ways other than sexual, giving up families, careers,
spiritual growth, livelihoods, self-respect, etc, etc, no longer need to
fear being "cast into the nethermost gloom" or being "erased from the
Lamb's Book of Life" or being called "Judas" or "harlot" to
friends......etc, etc, etc! At least not directly, by Jensen.
His clone, Neal Chase, will try to keep the group going and so will
perpetuate Jensen's legacy of deception. (Along with Jensen's 34 year-old
second wife, Frances "Wind" Jensen and a core group of followers in
Missoula, MT; and satellite "communities" in Madison and Milwaukee, WI;
Roaring Fork Valley, CO; and Minneapolis, MN.)
Actually, as Jensen has aged, Neal has taken over a bit at a time,
making more and more of the predictions of Armageddon and in general,
running things. (All the while, of course, trying to make it look like he
wasn't, just like he learned from his mentor, Jensen....sound familiar,
Chase is the one who recruited my ex-husband, Dave Cornell, who in
turn recruited me. (Ex since I said I thought there was something wrong
with the leader....) So Dave will be racking up the gold stars throwing
his support even more firmly behind Neal during the transition. (He got a
BIG promotion when he severed his marriage to me and stayed inside.....he
got my old position as one of the 12 apostles and vice-president of the
"Second International Baha'i Council".)
It's amazing to me how much freer I now feel with Jensen dead!! I
don't feel like I need to post this anonymously. And I won't need to find
myself fantasizing about his death anymore.....he's already dead!!!!
Anybody relate?

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